The perfect way to toast Apollo 11's 50th anniversary!

Much of the Tiki crazes heyday coincided with the space race. As a result, there are plenty of drinks with astronaut related names. Oddly enough, I couldn't find one named after the moon... However, the Coconaut fits the bill nicely as it's named for the space program, and provides an opportunity to play with fire.

Coconaut (w/ Re-entry)
Source - Beachbum Berry, Grog Log
4 ounces Coco Lopez Coconut Cream*
1 ounces fresh Lime juice
3 1/2 ounces dark Jamaican rum
Put everything in a blender, top with ice cubes, and blend until slushy. Open pour into coconut mug.
For Re-entry - Remove the pulp from the spent lime shell, soak a breadcrumb in 151 proof rum* and drop it in the spent lime shell. float the lime shell on the Coconaut, light the bread crumb on fire and serve.
*Bamboo Sam's customizations - I actually prefer to use SC's Coconut Cream Syrup to Coco Lopez. You get the flavor with less oil in a more mixable form. Additionally, your flame will look better if you use lemon extract as opposed to 151 rum. Last, but not least, make your own breadcrumbs. Pre-made breadcrumbs are always oily or flavored and no one wants a garlic-herb Coconaut...