A different kind of Jungle Bird

After last week's Mojitos, I'm still trying to keep it simple for those just getting into this whole Tiki mess. While the Lorikeet has a few more ingredients, it's dead simple to put together and allows for some variation since it doesn't require too many name brand ingredients.
I'm still working my way through Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails by Shannon Mustipher and stumbled upon the Lorikeet while looking for a bourbon based drink for Mrs. Bamboo Sam. Making drinks for her is a bit challenging as she isn't much for sweet stuff but she's also not a fan of bitter/spicy drinks. Admittedly, that still leaves a large middle ground but add to this her preference for bourbon over rum and that middle ground in the Tiki world shrinks considerably!
According to Mustipher this is a riff on the famous Jungle Bird cocktail. To be honest, I'm not a great fan of the Jungle Bird. It's the Campari that doesn't always sit well with me. I will admit that it may be that I've had a lot of not good Jungle Birds but either way it is what it is. With the Lorikeet we switch out the Campari for Banana Liqueur. It's a move I can get behind! She also replaces the Jungle Bird's Jamaican rum with Rye Whisky opting for spiciness in place of the Jamaican funk. Given Mrs. Bamboo Sam's anti-spice stance I used Bourbon for hers with pleasant results. However, I do think the Rye makes a more balanced drink.
Lastly, I should address the use of bitters in this cocktail as it calls for two different kinds. While I default to the called for Angostura bitters, there are a few other brands that one might use as an alternative without a problem. However, Peychaud's Bitters are a different animal and I don't think there is any suitable substitute. Just grab a bottle. Once you do you can have fun using it as a substitute for other bitters. You may be surprised at how much difference a few drops can make in a 16 oz. drink!
The Lorikeet
Source - Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails, Shannon Mustipher

3/4 ounce lemon juice
1 ounce pineapple juice
1/2 ounce Cinnamon Syrup¹
1/2 ounce banana liqueur
2 ounces Rye Whisky*
6 dashes Peychaud's Bitters
4 dashes Angostura bitters
Place everything in a shaker and shaker vigorously with cracked or pebble ice. Gated pour into Collins glass and top with cracked or pebble ice. Garnish is a pineapple fronds and orange twist.
*Bamboo Sam's customizations - For the Mrs. I use Maker's Mark instead of the Rye. I find there to be less difference among American Rye Whisky's than rums but feel free to explore.
¹I went to put in a hyperlink and suddenly realized I didn't already have a recipe for Cinnamon Syrup on the site! Don't buy one as most are too spicy for our uses here. Essentially, it's a 2:1 simple syrup that has broken cinnamon sticks steeping in it for a couple of hours. Filter and bottle. Keeps in the fridge for 3-4 weeks.